Fri Aug 15, 2003, 02:22pm
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Re: Runner in Jeopardy?
Originally posted by TexBlue
Wow, this is one of those " Glad it waasn't me" situations. Maybe this is one of those where you're right and wrong no matter what you do. If you think your partner put the runner in jeopardy, prabably the right call. However, the other side of the argument is an umpire cannot award bases in a live ball situation and the coach shoulda known that also. I'll tell a runner to go to 2nd after I call a "Dead Ball" or " Illegal Pitch. " But you can't tell her to go to 2nd during a live ball.
I probably would have stuck with the out call, but that doesn't mean I would be right.
I was calling the plate in a slow pitch game, the trailing runner gets in a rundown between 2nd and 3rd. I went to 3rd yelling all the way " I got three! I got three!" Unfortunately, the crowd was so loud, no one heard me but the 3rd base coach. My partner knew I shoulda been there and looked to be sure, so he knew I was helping. He never heard me yell, and I ain't quiet on the the field. Anyway, I sold her out on the tag and called time. I turned around and the coach was already in my face, yelling. After I recovered and decided to leave him in the game, I finally understood that he was upset because he thought I had called time during the rundown. I never did. The misunderstanding had no bearing on the actions of the runner or defense. Finally, my partner came up and explained that what the coach heard was me yelling " I got three!" Once he understood this, it was a much calmer discussion. But in this situation, no one thought I was awarding anything or calling time except him. No one else could hear because both stands were yelling real loud. No matter what the misunderstanding was, the out was gonna stand in this situation. It was one of those close youth games you love to be in, just because it's competitive and fun.
Gonna be interesting to see the discussion on this your situation!!!!!!!
As I said "umpire communication is not for him during a live ball". No reason for a complaint. Do most of you think it helps to yell your partner's name; not just "I have 3rd" or whatever? As to "Once he understood this, it was a much calmer discussion" - what about?
Officiating takes more than OJT.
It's not our jobs to invent rulings to fit our personal idea of what should and should not be.