Originally posted by IRISHMAFIA
To the best of my knowledge, the effect "foreign substance" has on the ball is that it creates an unbalanced ball which supposedly affects the flight of the ball, somewhat like a knuckle ball.
Personally, I do not see any effect which could be caused by resin unless it was packed into the stitching. Personally, I think this is a leftover rule from the old baseball days. Ugh, I hated using that word, but sometimes we just have to do what we have to do. 
And, I still contend that the umpires' call was based on assumption not fact. Like I said, there is nothing in the rule which demands the defenders wipe off their hands after use.
You are right about the aerodynamic effect of foreign substances on the ball. It can affect balance, and can affect the air flow around the ball. The effect of a little bit of second-hand resin on a 12" softball is, well, lets just say limited.
The players thought it had an effect, and were trying to get away with something. Was the "something" "anything?" Who knows.
But the umpires were aware of it and were putting a stop to it. The rule clearly says that no defensive player will be allowed to put
any foreign substance on the ball. They were within the rules, and probably more importantly, were sending a message that they were in control of the game and would not tolerate shenanigans.