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Old Tue Aug 02, 2016, 01:31pm
fitzpats fitzpats is offline
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA View Post
Not even worth a discussion

Rule 8 9.C.2 specifically states that if a courtesy runner's turn at bat comes when that player is on base, s/he shall be removed from the base, ruled out and take their turn at bat.

There are no exceptions to this rule
Couldn't the offensive team have substituted the eligible sub for the current batting spot. This would render the courtesy runner to be "benched" but was still eligible to run as any person on the roster, including substitutes, could be the courtesy runner. While the courtesy runner's spot did come up to bat, why wouldn't a substitution negate the out? In theory, the runner on third is not the courtesy runner, but the original hitter, and the person coming to bat is on the bench. A substitution would keep that hitter on the bench.
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