For all you new dudes and babes, I used to ref with a guy named Dave a lot. Of course, this was back before my heart surgery that ended my reffing career. Dave was the funniest guy I ever reffed with and I used to post some of his "Davisms" just for a laugh. Since we're still in the off season, I thought I'd re-post some of them just to see if I can get some laughs from you guys. Here's some of them.
I'll start with my all time favorite, because he did it to me, not a coach or player. I was finishing my last rec game of my shift while Dave was waiting to begin his. It was during a timeout in the 4th quarter that he yelled, "Hey Padgett - are you pregnant?” I ignored him but he yelled it again. I finally turned and said, "OK, Dave, I'll bite. No, I'm not pregnant, why do you ask?" Dave says, "Because you missed three periods!"
Here are some others:
Dave goes to report a foul. Coach yells, "Call it both ways.” Dave says, "OK coach, I will. Blue, 14, a hold. Other way - 14, blue, a hold. That's both ways coach. You happy now?"
After a game, parent comes up to the two of us and says, "Refs like you is the reason these kids get hurt.” Dave says, "You're wrong.” Parent says, "It's an opinion - how can I be wrong.” Dave replies, "It's 'Refs like you
are the reason kids get hurt.’ If you're going to be a jerk, at least use proper grammar."
Dave makes a foul call. Coach yells, "I really didn't like that call.” Dave turns to him and says, "Then you're probably going to hate this one" and T's him up.
Coach has been chipping all game. Dave calls an OOB off his team. As Dave goes down court, coach keeps yelling for him to identify the player who last touched the ball. Dave ignores him. At a timeout, coach asks Dave why he hasn't answered him all game. Dave replies, "I left my English - Gibberish dictionary at home."
We come out to start the second half. As usual, both teams ask whose ball it is. Dave looks at the ball, seems to be studying it and says, "Looks like some kid named Spaulding."
And there's the old standby whenever he gets a JV or varsity boy who whines he tells him - "Hey, girls play on Thursdays."