Originally Posted by teebob21
Under ASA, 8-8-I says the runner is not out if he overruns first base after touching it. It is clear he does not touch it. I am interested in any other rule citations that say we should judge this an overrun. It could change my entire perspective on this play.
So you mentioned the lookback rule. Are you really trying to argue that if the pitcher has the ball and the BR overruns first and misses it then turns right they can go to second? Or maybe the lookback rule doesn't apply at all?
Here's another one. Runner rounds first and misses the bag on the way. She gets to second coach yells at her to hustle back. She runs back to first and doesn't hold the bag and is tagged out. Are you saying that's an overrun? If not why not?
Going just one further though, speaking just softball and not baseball this video is at best an overslide not an overrun and there is no oversliding first exception in ASA as there is in OBR.