Originally Posted by teebob21
I enjoy discussing differences of judgment and opinion like this, which is why I posted the play. I would agree with your whole interpretation if I thought the runner overran the base at 0:08. In your circuitous BR example, yes, I would judge his step back towards right field as a legally protected overrun. I don't have rule support to do otherwise, and 8-7-T (look back rule) covers what the BR may or may not do after moving toward right field.
Under ASA, 8-8-I says the runner is not out if he overruns first base after touching it. It is clear he does not touch it. I am interested in any other rule citations that say we should judge this an overrun. It could change my entire perspective on this play.
Yeah, I like to discuss these kinds of plays, too, and having a real video to look at helps overcome our usual limitations with verbal descriptions.
I doubt you will find a rule to clarify things, since I don't believe "overrun" is defined in the book.
I'm just basing it on "did the runner pass the base or not"?
If the runner passed the base, he must have either overrun or rounded.
If circling around the base by a few feet and coming back at it from the other side is not passing the base, how long of a circle around does it have to be before is does become passing the base?
BTW, it does seem like the MLB umpire agrees with your judgment on this...