Thread: Obstruction ???
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Old Fri Jul 08, 2016, 08:43am
Insane Blue Insane Blue is offline
Call it as I see it.
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: So.Cal
Posts: 330
Okay the reason I posted this is because as I came of the field an assistant UIC states he is very upset at how we handled a play during this game. The AUIC stated once we killed the ball those not affected by the Obstruction should be put back to the last base they legally held (R1).

When we got back to the Umpire area the head UIC (newer UIC I think second year) and another AUIC backed the 1st AUIC's ruling on the play.

When I brought out the Rule book and Read both the Rule and Rule Supplement I was still told we handled it wrong. This really upset me as I take pride in my knowledge and Mechanics.

After the tournament I talked to my local UIC who backed my ruling and how I handled this. I emailed the State UIC who also agreed with the way we handled this.

My challenging the UIC staff cost me games on Sunday. I have never not worked on a Sunday and almost always have a final.

Glad to see that most of those that gave input here had the correct awards.
"I couldn't see well enough to play when I was a boy, so they gave me a special job - they made me an umpire." - President of the United States Harry S. Truman
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