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Old Tue Jan 02, 2001, 02:29am
rainmaker rainmaker is offline
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Thanks for all the advice, I am busy memorizing so I can pull the right one out at the proper moment.

About my #5, "Thanks for that last call" this was totally serious and not in the least sarcastic. He meant, "We won the game because of your call, and I appreciate it" Unfortunately, the losing coach was well within ear shot and I felt as though I was being dragged into a conspiracy which I had no intention of ever joining. I couldn't think of any way to explain that I had not tried to make anyone win or lose, just call what I see. Anything I thought of sounded lame. So I just shook his hand and said "Good game, coach," and then turned to the other coach and did the same and then got the hell out of Dodge!
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