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Old Sun Jun 05, 2016, 08:57pm
chapmaja chapmaja is offline
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA View Post
I disagree. IMO, if you know a player is not entitled to enter the game, you don't allow it just as you wouldn't allow a team to move the FLEX into a position in the batter order for other than the DP
What about the legal standpoint on this. Player A has illegally entered the game. She is later injured while participating illegally in the game. The scorebooks show that she should not have been in the game. The family of said player now decide to sue anyone and everyone for this injury. Now you have an issue to deal with. Even if you are not ruled against, and you have insurance to cover defending a lawsuit like this, you have the aggravation of dealing with this.

If you knowingly allow an illegal player into the game, and the rules specifically say when noticed, but don't specify by whom, you are expected to rule when you notice. Failure to do so is not following the rules.
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