Thread: Foul Count.
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Old Tue Jan 02, 2001, 01:32am
hoopsrefBC hoopsrefBC is offline
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Posts: 176
Hey, If you want to see ad/dis vantage try watching a game under FIBA rules. We in British Columbia have just moved from FIBA rules to NCAA rules. and trying to educate the players and coaches about the new rules and the interpretations to thoes rules is a challenge and a great concern.

The FIBA game is many times more physical than the NCAA or the NFHS game, for example in the FIBA game there is no such thing is hand checking. Physical play is not called, unless there is a VERY, VERY CLEAR advantage gained by the defense. The 'No blood, no foul' saying can be really taken to heart.

Regarding the NCAA M+W's concern about physical play i can see what they are trying to do. Firstly, Let the better coached, more skilled players be able to play at a higher level than less skilled, poor coaches players and secondly take the 'grey area' out of the game, or another way of saying it, have rules in place so that officials are forced to make calls.

I have officiated for 11 years (currently i'm 27) and kinda like it when i'm able to use a rule as my support when i make a call instead of my opinion or 'years of experience'.
Most coaches don't know your experiences, however they might know the rule.

For example, recently in a game a point guard was playing defence in the post. To stop the offense from obtaining the desired position, the defensive player put BOTH arms into the back of the offensive player. I immeiately called a foul. When i reported the foul, the coach asked what the player had done, i indicated the two arms placed on the offensive player with/without the ball is a foul. When he continued to question me all i responded with was. That the rule, i don't make them, just enforce them)

In years past with FIBA rules i would have to use my judgement and 'years of experience' to gauge if a foul was to be called. Now i can simply state that's a rule. and not have to justify my call.

As 4 the number of fouls. There are very few halves that go by where we don't end up shooting bonus. (mind you we do play 10 min quarters)

I can't talk about NFHS don't officiate US high school.

keep smiling

[Edited by hoopsrefBC on Jan 2nd, 2001 at 12:39 AM]
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