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Old Tue May 31, 2016, 10:34pm
chapmaja chapmaja is offline
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Originally Posted by Spine13 View Post
So in our game yesterday we had our batter lay down a bunt. The catcher fielded the ball and tried to throw out our runner at 1st. The catcher hit the first baseman who was charging, in the mask. The ball roles foul near the first base fence but in play. Our girl runs to 2nd on the play and prob could have gotten 3rd. The umpire call a dead ball and returns my girl from 2nd to first. My question is: Should play have been stopped with a dead ball? And is so shouldn't my runner at least be awarded the base she would have gotten?
I see no reason to kill this play in the first place except 1) he thought it was out of play or 2) He was worried about a possible serious injury. In either case I can find zero justification for a return of the runner to first base.

I have killed plays a couple times this season for possible injury issues. The last was a ground ball that takes a bad hop into the throat of the SS. As soon as the runner got to first base I killed the play even though the ball was sitting on the grass just beyond the SS. Could the runners have advanced? It was possible, but at the same time, the 3b coach is sending her girl back to the base instead of trying to advance.

The other play was a bit of gamesmanship by the defender I think. Pop up on the infield and F4 and F6 collide and the ball is dropped. F6 lays motionless on the ground which causes the runner to stop at 1st base and the umpire to call time. She then pops up right after time is called. The opposing coach did not say anything, but if this was soccer a yellow card would have been issued. ?I really think she "played dead" attempting to bait the offense into a base running mistake.
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