Originally Posted by BadNewsRef
I suggest you start out the with the D3 Capital Athletic Conference (CAC) and Maryland JuCo (Region ??). Getting into those conferences will get you exposure to the Pennsylvania supervisors. Also, both of those conferences have a single supervisor for who handles both the women's and the men's assigning. Deciding which side you want to go is something you have to think about.
You also need to latch on to a mentor who is already working college basketball.
Don't want to steal BNR's thunder but he is exactly right....I live in this footprint and while they are all good supervisor's and people, it makes no sense for you at this time to try Region 19. That league goes all the way up Newark, NJ and further. If you get a game north of Trenton at 7pm, you must be there by 5:30. Leaving the NOVA area at 1:30. Paying over $30 in tolls. Food and gas..... A four hour drive on a week night. Leave at 9pm. Home at 12:30 ish. Game check is believe is $130 ???? No guarantee that he will keep you at the southern most schools......
Your priorities should be CAC / MD JUCO...then ODAC / CIAA / Landmark / Centennial
1 trip up 95 on a snowy night will cause you to think twice.
Best of luck !!!!!!