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Old Sun Mar 13, 2016, 08:03pm
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally Posted by just another ref View Post
One thing that has evolved is the argument here. There's less "He may not have completed the gather" and more "That's never called." So the question remains, if I correctly call a travel which you can't see without slow motion, or even worse in my opinion, you simply refuse to call because some other official didn't /wouldn't, does that make me a bad official?
The "he may not have completed the gather" was never a good argument because, rules wise, there is no such thing as a gather. By rule, the dribble ends and the holding of the ball begins when the ball comes to rest in one or both hands. Being in two hands certainly makes it clear but it isn't a requirement and never has been.

Then, to expect defenders to maintain LGP on a player who is allowed to move in excess of the defined rules unfairly tips the balance in a way that was never intended.
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