Originally Posted by JRutledge
That is not the policy at all. They just give other officials a chance than just keep sending officials back over and over and over again. The only standing policy is that you can only go back two years in a row, then you must sit a year. The current administrator tries to rotate people around as there are over 5000 officials statewide. Not everyone is going to get a shot, but those that do will not be there year after year.
We also have 4 classes with 4 separate State Final Weekends going by gender and class.
Girls 1A-2A (Last weekend)
Girls 3A-4A (This weekend)
Boys 1A-2A (Nest weekend)
Boys 3A-4A (Following weekend)
There are officials that have worked 3 in one of the weekends only to go a few more times in another weekend.
I am working my 3rd and final trip this year in 3A/4A girls in Illinois. My first trip was in '11 and my second was in '13 so my times have been spaced out.
I do like how our boys side pair you up with your partners at the Sectional level, giving you 3 games to work together before you reach the State Finals. Where on the girls side you don't find out until the night before you work who you are with and what time. Different philosophies I guess.