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Old Wed Mar 02, 2016, 03:16pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by VaTerp View Post

I'm still curious about limits on how many state games an official gets. The example from IL of 3 Finals period for officials seems a bit extreme to me but I can see the rationale.
That is not the policy at all. They just give other officials a chance than just keep sending officials back over and over and over again. The only standing policy is that you can only go back two years in a row, then you must sit a year. The current administrator tries to rotate people around as there are over 5000 officials statewide. Not everyone is going to get a shot, but those that do will not be there year after year.

We also have 4 classes with 4 separate State Final Weekends going by gender and class.

Girls 1A-2A (Last weekend)
Girls 3A-4A (This weekend)
Boys 1A-2A (Nest weekend)
Boys 3A-4A (Following weekend)

There are officials that have worked 3 in one of the weekends only to go a few more times in another weekend.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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