First thing to do is to make sure you are very up on the rule concerning a hit runner. You might then find that the important questions are, "Did the ball touch F1?" and "If the ball had not hit R1, would another fielder have had a chance to make an out?"
(Being that you seem not to have heard the umpire's version, I'm wondering if the protest was filed properly. I would insure that, too.)
That being said, if the protest is upheld, I believe that it is the protest committee's responsibility to put the game situation to where it should be had the improper rule application not occurred. In my mind, that would be just as you said, bases loaded, score tied and two outs.
In the event (very unlikely in my opinion) that two runs would have scored had the ball not hit R1, then the game would be over with a 3-2 victory.