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Old Wed Feb 24, 2016, 04:30pm
VaTerp VaTerp is offline
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If we are going to say that adults who have teenagers and minors address them by their last names are a-holes, self absorbed, and/or narcissists whose self worth crumbles when children address them by their first name then I'm going to say that adults who allow teenagers and minors to call them by their first name are immature, low self-esteem, losers who crave the attention and the social acceptance of children.

Ignorant generalizations can cut both ways.

Personally, I do not allow players or other children to call me just by my first name. But It's not a big deal really. And the only time I really think about it is when its brought up on this forum.

My view was shaped by the way I was raised, and probably more significantly, its what I prefer based on my experiences that include coaching HS basketball, running youth sports leagues and other recreation programs, and being a HS classroom teacher in my early, mid, and late 20s. At the time it made me feel old to be called Coach or Mr. "my last name" so I was usually called Mr. "last initial." When I coached I was in my early 20s and I think some of the players may have referred to me as Coach "first name and one of my 7 year daughter's friends refers to me now as Mr. "first name."

In the grand scheme of things I don't give this much thought but my personal opinion is that kids are not my peers and there are some boundaries, expectations, and structures that adults should have in their interactions with kids, which includes how we are addressed. That's for me and my kids. If others have varying opinions that's all well and good and I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.

We do are captain's and coaches meetings separately here in VA. I hear some partners introduce themselves by their first names and some as Mr. so and so. Me, I don't say my name at all. I don't see the need.

Again, at the end of the day this is a personal choice that is not all that important to me. But some of the generalizations that are always made when this topic comes up here are just silly.

Last edited by VaTerp; Wed Feb 24, 2016 at 04:33pm.