Thread: Blarge
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Old Mon Feb 01, 2016, 11:35pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by Spence View Post
I've always understood that on a blarge where the shot went in the basket does NOT count IF there was player control at the time of the foul.

However, I'm not sure how I justify that from the rulebook.

When we report the fouls we use the double foul signal, correct?

I can't find where it says that the basket does not count on a double foul. I see 4.19.8 C where it says it DOES count IF the ball was released prior to the foul.

Help me out.
The simple answer is that you've "always understood" this incorrectly. The NFHS casebook ruling has been around for many years. The basket counts if released before the collision. If the ball was not yet released when the contact occurred, the double foul makes the ball dead and there is no try. As many others have previously written in this thread from last season, the ball is awarded to Team B when the basket counts and awarded back to Team A when the crash happens prior to the release.