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Old Wed Jul 30, 2003, 11:25pm
oppool oppool is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 549

Went to watch tonight. Here are a few observations..

Out of the 142 teams in the tournament I have seen have not seen any really dominant teams all seem to be pretty equal on most part and have not seen that dominant pitcher yet that can mow everybody down. They must all be up in the Gold level of play

Have not seen an umpire yet address wearing of the uniform correctly. Every team I have seen has had several players with the shirts out. If we are not going to enforce it at NATIONALS why bother with it at local and regionals...

Then why should we enforce the girls to properly wear uniforms when I noticed at least 2 PU in the last games wearing base pants doing plate and 1 BU wearing plate pants
Also notice some umps using the blue ball bags and some wearing gray

Do like the Navy blue shirts with the gray pants. I believe it much better looking and professional looking then the powder blue with navy that they are using for the day games

Worst Call: caught 3rd strike foul tip. Umpire says it is just a foul ball batter still up with 2 strikes. Coach argues for a few seconds and gaves up.....


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