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Old Sun Dec 06, 2015, 04:40pm
Raymond Raymond is offline
Courageous When Prudent
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Location: Hampton Roads, VA
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Originally Posted by Dad View Post
You're basically asking a three year old to act like an adult. This is in no way meant to be offensive, but I just think of them as TypicalIdiotFans and my life is much easier. Without fans, sports wouldn't be what they are and the games wouldn't be fun, at least for me. They are a major part of the event, whether you like it or not. Treating fans like they should know everything is just as ignorant as the fan screaming, "over the back!!"
We've had plenty of coaches and fans come here and ask questions. Believe it or not I actually know people who are fans. I even work with some them

It's not some new concept for me to talk to fans about officiating. This, however, is an officiating forum. It's an adult forum. Posting like a fanboy will get you treated as such.

His daughter was charged with a foul after falling on top of an opponent. Unfortunately calling official missed the first foul that caused his daughter to fall. Again, I ask, what is hoped to be learned from the posting of this video?

This right here is all I need to know about this person's motives:
...This wrong call happened literally directly in front of the ref. The only way to miss it was with eyes closed.

I can tell you what is frustrating from a parents perspective is that most refs have zero humility, and act as if they are never ever wrong. Around here they do not answer questions.

In this particular case the woman ref comes over pronouncing that this "foul" was white #4's 5th foul and the removed her from the game. Turns out it was only her fourth foul and they corrected it a few minutes later, allowing her back in after critical moment of the game had transpired.

And, all four of her "fouls" were just as obviously suspect.
A-hole formerly known as BNR
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