Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Originally posted by ChuckElias
If the rule says "touching the basket", then your scenario would be technically BI, and I admit that I would have a very hard time calling it if the ball were merely touching the outside edge of the ring.
Rule 4-5-1--"Basket interference occurs when a player touches the ball or any part of the basket while the ball is on or within the basket". Note that it says "on the basket",not "on top of the basket".
Doesn't "on" mean "on top"?

If it's touching the side of the rim, it's not on the basket, is it?
Now,are you gonna call BI if the ball is going up,is within the mesh going up,and hasn't gone through the ring yet,and someone now touches it?.
Are you also gonna call BI if someone touches the ball while it is on the way up and the ball happens to be touching,or "on" the mesh or the ring.
No, b/c touching the net is not the same as being on the basket. Just my opinion.