Backcourt count
Here's a question that came up at our association meeting recently.
We had an IAABO rules guru, one of the best, bring this up....
Team A has the ball in their front court. The ball is deflected by team B and rolls into A's backcourt.... And rolls a while before A picks it up. Team A runs back and retrieves the ball near the free throw line. When does the 10 second count for backcourt violation start? When team A gathers the ball or when the ball first touches the backcourt?
It was said the count starts as soon as the ball touches the backcourt because Team A still has team control of a ball inbounds, in their backcourt after the deflection. I have never seen anyone count in this situation.....until A picks up the ball. If they did it may help with the understanding that any foul by team A while the ball is rolling in the B/C is a team control foul. I normally would not start the count until the player from team A has control. I may have always been wrong..... I see nothing in the rules to support or deny this.
Last edited by Mlancaster; Sat Nov 14, 2015 at 12:42am.