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Old Wed Nov 11, 2015, 11:48am
Big Slick Big Slick is offline
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Originally Posted by AtlUmpSteve View Post
In today's game, . . .
So, two rules that ASA umpires have enforced forever (chin straps to keep the helmet on the head and stay on your side) are now removed, making a mockery of any prior rationale and required enforcement. One of my pet peeves in high school games has been poorly fitted helmets that are worn to NOT stay on the head, so now we get that in ASA, too. Nicely done.
Steve, not signaling you on this one, you just happen to be the last one that responded. Zaright-ok.

As for the on deck circles, this board is making much ado about nothing. It will be interesting how many batter will CHOOSE to use the other one. Well, maybe if they know they can steal signals .

I'm ok with the CHOICE if the batter feels safer. This has been an accepted practice and recently codified in the men's game. At the highest level, where tempers can run at the highest, there is zero problem. I'll concede that there is a measure of self-policing in that game, but I've never remotely had to deal with any issues.

Chinstraps were a good move, or at least as written. Players were not wearing them properly (snug to the chin vs. "dangling"). The helmets these days are properly fitting. Of course, I'm talking about your tournament teams, not your rec teams (and the rec leagues can still require chin straps). Is there a problem in codes (i.e. NFHS) that do not require chin straps?
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