Thread: Hey Chuck...
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Old Mon Jul 28, 2003, 10:21am
devdog69 devdog69 is offline
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Originally posted by ChuckElias
Thanks mick, but is there anything about putting time back on the clock if it expires after the official's whistle sounds?
I'm sure you've looked it up by now, Chuck, but for other's reading enjoyment...

NCAA Rule 2-12/Art. 10, A.R. 27 Case play has the official seeing the clock as he blows the whistle to stop play and it is at five seconds. If more than one second goes off, an "obvious timing mistake" has been made and the clock should be reset to five seconds. This is where the one second lag time comes from.

I do however, subscribe to and practice the theory that the one second lag time is out the window if I look up at the clock after the whistle has blown instead of looking at it while it is being blown. The timer should be able to push the button in the time it takes me to look at the clock if I am not already seeing it. I have received big kudos this summer for being aware of the clock, even had it changed three times in one very close game and got nothing but backslaps for being aware and taking charge. I would have put time back on in your situation, I'm sure.
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