Thread: Hey Chuck...
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Old Mon Jul 28, 2003, 09:12am
ChuckElias ChuckElias is offline
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I forgot to mention one incident that was kind of funny (only b/c it didn't happen to me!) that occured prior to my first game yesterday. The clock was winding down to game time and the observer spotted one of the refs walking in the hallway brushing his teeth 48 seconds before the game was supposed to tip off. The observer was ripped and apparently tore into the guy for being more concerned about looking cool than about getting on the court and doing his job. The observer was HOT. I didn't see the butt-chewing, but he was still steamed afterward when I saw him. Glad it wasn't me!

Originally posted by Nevadaref
Originally posted by ChuckElias
Originally posted by ChuckElias
He had some good comments about my jump ball administration
I'd really like to know what he said, Chuck.
Sure, no problem. The tap was stolen and neither of partners called it. I thought it was stolen, but didn't have the best look from right underneath, plus I didn't have the whistle in my mouth.

So after the game, J.B. comes in and says, "The tap was stolen. They should've blown it dead, but I put the responsibility for that on you." He then gave me some good tips for keeping the jumpers from getting a quick read on the toss.

He said that no matter where the two jumpers are positioned, he asks both of them to back up a couple inches. This give him a little space to get between them, but more importantly, it takes them out of their comfort zone. He talks to them as they're repositioning. He says, "Let it go all the way up; I'm gonna give both of you a fair shot to get to it." Then he varies his rhythm for the toss. Sometimes he'll bounce it first, sometimes not. Sometimes he'll toss it right away, sometimes he holds onto it for an extra second or two. He basically doesn't want anybody to get too comfortable with timing his toss.

I'll have one chance to toss today, so I'm going to try out the advice.

Last note for the morning. I'm staying with my dad and making these posts with his computer. It needs a minor repair, so I may not get back online till I get home. If you don't hear from me for a couple days, that's why. Take care everybody.
Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only!
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