Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
I disagree. The runners on base are not affected by the base on balls. They may be affected by the batter becoming a BR, but earned nothing other than a free base if forced.
If the offense chooses to or makes the error of placing themselves in jeopardy, that is all on them. The defense should not take a hit for making a good play on a bad base running.
So I gather you approve of the ASA philosophy. By definition then, you disagree w/ the NFHS and NCAA interpretations of this case play?
Which means in your words that the defense WOULD "take a hit" for making a good play on a bad base running action. I.E. the run would count in both NFHS and NCAA.
I don't do NCAA, but I'm going to have to remember which hat I'm wearing if I'm ever confronted with this play in a game.