Originally Posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
Here in NW Ohio, rain has played havoc with Summer tournaments.
Mark, Jr., and I umpired in three tournaments where the entire day was canceled because of the weather after the first game of the day had started.
In the first two tournaments, all of the umpires were paid a full game fee for the game that was started, that resulted in 14 umpires being paid in one tournament and 20 umpires in another tournament. These two tournaments were not in the Toledo area.
The third tournament was in the Toledo area and the TD refused to pay the umpires (32 umpires including Mark) and I). When Mark and I told the TD that this was not acceptable, the other 30 umpires shouted us down saying that they would gladly not accept any money for the rained out games that had started. I am preparing an email to our assigner because not being paid for a game that has already started is flat out wrong.
I would like to know how different areas of the country handle this sort of nonsense. Thanks.
MTD, Sr.
There is something else going on here. If all 30 of the umpires agreed to it, and you two were the only ones on the other side of the coin, something else is coming into play here. To be clear "something else" is either politics, personalities, or close ties with the TD....