I have never disagreed that weight/physical appearance is a MAJOR factor in this business. It is probably THE most important aspect of being evaluated. OK, is that clear now?
My point was/is/has been/always will be that Rut was bashing other officials with his "bear belly" comment. Am I the only one that felt this way? Everyone else thought is was just fine to downtalk other officials? In my association, you just don't do that. Yes, we have some fat asses. They know who they are. But we would NEVER compare our "slim, athletic" selves to these guys the way Rut did. Wouldn't it have been a little more professional to say that "we have some folks that could work on their conditioning a little."?
Guess the mole hill just got a little taller...
[Edited by BigDave on Dec 29th, 2000 at 08:41 PM]