Originally Posted by bballref3966
We've all dealt with "that coach," the worst type of coach–the one that's just a jerk. He's arrogant, thinks he's above the game, doesn't care to work with us or show even the slightest appreciation for what we do, and makes snide comments on every call that goes against his team.
My question is, what tricks if any do you use to deal with these type of coaches?
If it's every time a call is made, it's likely a distraction (or you wouldn't notice). I'll ignore this until I see it's going to continue all game. Once I realize that much, I'm going to find (force) an opportunity to have a quiet "conversation" along the lines of, "coach, I don't expect you to agree with every call, but unless you have a question, the commentary needs to stop."
If he does it again, then be very clear about issuing him a warning. Some will say to make this warning public so it shows up on tape, but if there's a tape it'll show me talking to him and that's good enough for me.
After the warning, a T almost always puts a stop to it. If that doesn't work, the 2nd T will.
I don't ignore it for a couple of reasons. First, it almost always escalates as the game progresses. The coach is feeling his boundaries. Second, it has a high possibility of inciting the crowd around him.