Originally Posted by bballref3966
We've all dealt with "that coach," the worst type of coach–the one that's just a jerk. He's arrogant, thinks he's above the game, doesn't care to work with us or show even the slightest appreciation for what we do, and makes snide comments on every call that goes against his team.
My question is, what tricks if any do you use to deal with these type of coaches?
Usually completely ignore him (or her) unless he/she asks a question calmly. I've got one in one of my regular conferences who is constantly on the officials from the opening tip. I don't think he's quite to the level that you're describing, but I've given him the "stop sign" or a warning or whatever you want to call it in every game of his that I've worked. Once I do that (if he makes it to halftime before the stop sign, he's doing well), he's fine. I've never T'd him, though I'd be curious to know how many he's gotten.
You can't be afraid to take care of business with coaches who toe and/or cross the line like that. You shouldn't have to take your focus off the players to deal with the coach....he's making your job more difficult (and it's already a difficult job).
Taking care of business doesn't necessarily mean a T, but you need to assert your authority as soon as you hear something that is going to lead you down that path. If he wants to hurt his team after you've warned him, let him.