Fri Jul 17, 2015, 11:48am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
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NFHS acts to slow down games
From the NFHS:
Projected Substitute: In Rule 3-3-3 there is a statement that "projected substitutions are not permitted" however, projected substitutes are not currently defined in the Rules Book. Therefore the creation of rule 2-57-4, NEW: A projected substitute is defined as a player who does not immediately participate in the game.
Rule 2-57-4 has been added because there are situations where coaches attempt to speed up the game by making multiple substitutions on offense that may not happen immediately. This is an inappropriate practice on offense because we need games to last longer for the overall players' experience. Therefore, coaches may only substitute for the immediate player at bat. This will cause multiple time outs called, one for each substitute, and will result in the umpire removing and notating on his lineup card and then informing the opposing coach and official scorekeeper multiple times. This extra time will allow the players a breather from the action, slow down the game, and enhance the overall player experience which is a primary goal of NFHS athletics. Note: Multiple substitutions on defense are not considered projected substitutes as all players are immediately entering the field of play at the same time. Maybe next year we will come up with a rule change to require these to be announced one at a time, too. Besides, this makes us more like the NCAA and ensures that NFHS coaches don't confuse themselves and can make a smooth transition to a college coaching position.