Originally Posted by BretMan
If this runner was in between first and second base when the throw was made, what is the first base of her two-base award? Second.
If she touched second base after the ball went out of play, has she touched the the first base of her award after the ball became dead? Yes.
At that point the rule says she can't go back and correct her baserunning mistake.
No. And it bothers me when otherwise solid and experienced partners get this wrong. I wonder if this is carryover training from baseball...
The rule doesn't says FIRST awarded base... it says NEXT awarded base. If they were between 1st and 2nd when the ball was released, but between 2nd and 3rd when it went out of play and 3rd base was awarded... THIRD BASE is the next awarded base. If they touch 3rd they can't return. If they do not touch third, they ABSOLUTELY can go back and return to first to retouch properly.