Thread: Un-pulled foot
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Old Mon Jul 06, 2015, 12:04pm
Andy Andy is offline
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Originally Posted by tcannizzo View Post
If I understand correctly (a stretch, I know), then I am glad I made this a separate thread and not included it in Andy's thread about un-ringing a swing. I thought there would be similarities.

My comprehension in summarizing the two threads:

1. PU sees and calls a swing that BU knows was not a swing.
We eat that call.

2. BU sees and calls a pulled foot that PU knows was not a pulled foot.
We can change that call.

Aren't both situations here judgement calls?

Here is where I am confused.
Isn't going for help to ask for missing information?
Rather than a 2nd opinion about a judgement?

If the latter, where do we draw the line? (Assuming there is a line to draw)

Please advise.
"Was her foot on the bag?" is asking for a missing piece of information needed to make a call.

"What did you have on that call?" is asking for a second opinion on a judgement.

One thing that I was taught as a general rule is that when you go to your partner for help, you ask a question that will have a YES or NO answer.

Was the foot on the base?
Do you have a tag?
Did she bobble the ball?

By doing this, you are not asking for an opinion on your judgment, you are asking for a missing "piece of the puzzle" necessary to make that judgement
It's what you learn after you think you know it all that's important!
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