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Old Fri Jul 25, 2003, 10:36am
His High Holiness His High Holiness is offline
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Posts: 345

Originally posted by Jay R
I had a close play at home not long ago where I did not get a good view of the tag, if there was one. I was first base line extended behind the catcher who basically blocked my view of the tag. I noticed that MLB umpires go third base line extended, I presume to get a better angle. Any of you use 3B line extended in a two-man crew?

Using the first base line extended is a good idea for new umpires. When you want to take your game up another notch, try the following:

Start about 8-10 feet off of the point of the plate; in other words a step back from where you normally call balls and strikes. If the throw to the catcher pulls him up the third base line, move to the third base line extended to watch for the tag.

If the throw to the catcher is dead on and he remains at the plate to block it, move to the first base line extended and watch for the slide, hard contact, and tag.

This set of mechanics takes lots of practice. You will have to do it several times before it becomes natural. The reason that you see the MLB umps move to the third base line extended is because most throws from the outfield are a little inaccurate. Inaccurate throws will produce swipe tags and for swipe tags, you want to be on the third base line extended. The MLB umps will move to the first base line extended if the situation requires it.

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