Originally Posted by Rich
This catcher already has a college softball scholarship lined up it seems.
If that program had any integrity, she'd be looking for a new place to play about now.
As for the umpiring -- what's the mechanic for 4-man (knowing that no real softball actually does 4-man)? Would U2 chase, U3 cover second, the PU cover third, and U1 cover the plate? That would be the baseball rotation when U2 goes out, but I know nothing about softball, having not umpired a softball game since the late 90s.
Well, I know that's a cheap shot (actually, two) by the catcher.
To my knowledge, ISF (International) is the only softball organization with current 4 umpire mechanics. In that, U2 chases the "V"; if chased, yes, U3 to 2nd, PU to 3rd, U1 to plate.