Originally Posted by robbie
As stated by RICH, that was not a protest.
If, however, the wording was altered to:
"After she talked to him she came to me and said she wanted to Protest
Absolutely I would accept that protest.
I would state: "If you are protesting that will be $75 cash (NSA proceedure) and I will stop the clock."
Depending on her answer, the next statement would either be:
"Fine, I'll stop the clock and get the UIC"
"Then discussion's over - lets play ball."
Of course, if the latter, the NEXT statement may very well be "You're gone."
Okay, stop. You are trying to mate an apple with an orange and it doesn't work, there is already a fruit named ugli.
No, Robbie, using the word does not make it so. Like it or not, there must be some level of intelligence and common sense. If there is the remote possibility of a rule being misapplied, THAT is what the coach needs to protest. Simply saying you want help from the UIC means absolutely nothing unless the UIC was the third umpire on the field and that SHOULD never be the case.