Originally Posted by Andy
For those of you who say that an umpire should not refuse a protest, please refer to this thread about an experience I had several years ago:
Given this situation, would you have accepted her "protest" and called the UIC?
Please especially note Irishmafia's response in the referenced thread....
As stated by RICH, that was not a protest.
If, however, the wording was altered to:
"After she talked to him she came to me and said she wanted to
Absolutely I would accept that protest.
I would state: "If you are protesting that will be $75 cash (NSA proceedure) and I will stop the clock."
Depending on her answer, the next statement would either be:
"Fine, I'll stop the clock and get the UIC"
"Then discussion's over - lets play ball."
Of course, if the latter, the NEXT statement may very well be "You're gone."