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Old Thu May 21, 2015, 09:51pm
ODog ODog is offline
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Originally Posted by OKREF View Post
if A and B have color restrictions, and C and D must match A and B, C and D have color restrictions. It really isn't hard, I just don't get why would be confusing at all. I do understand the NFHS has editorial, and wording problems everywhere, but if you understand the intent of the rule, then it shouldn't be a problem.
... except there usually aren't any A & B, especially in boys games, so there's nothing to match.

Last year's rules clearly indicated the colors for each (bands & sleeves/tights), albeit not in the same order, which is symptomatic of the lack of attention to detail we're harping on.

Now, in their effort to have them match, they suddenly (and unwittingly) left out the color specifications for "C & D."

Of course "everyone" understands the intent of the rule ... except the parents who buy the gear, the players who ask for it and the coaches/ADs who read these hacky rules and rightfully tell them, "Yup, as far as I can tell, you're good to go."

Just because WE know what the NFHS meant to say, it's hard to explain to someone who reads the rules and justifiably comes back with, "Ummm, it doesn't say that."

No, it's not likely to cause too many of us problems, but that doesn't make it any less pathetic.