Originally Posted by BillyMac
3-5-3c: All sleeves/tights shall be the same solid color and must be the same color as any headband or wristband worn.
3-5-4a: Headbands and wristbands shall be black, white, beige or the predominant color of the jersey and the same color for each item and all participants. They must be the same color as any sleeve/tights worn. See 3-6 for logo requirements.
Did they somehow make this WORSE? A reasonable team member/coach/parent could read this and conclude sleeves/tights no longer need to be black, white, beige or the predominant color of the jersey UNLESS team members are wearing headbands/wristbands.
If you're not wearing bands (and I'd say most people don't), every color under the rainbow seems in play for sleeves/tights.
Am I missing something?