Originally Posted by luvhoops
After I clicked on this link, I looked around the site and found a link to some old films from the 1930s that showed games from the Illinois state tournament. In the clip from 1933, it showed the Thornton HS team (Harvey, Illinois) playing for the state championship. They won, 14-13. One of the players shown on the Thornton team was sophomore Lou Boudreaux, who later became an MLB star, manager and radio announcer. Lou went to HS with my step-father and they were really good friends. I met Lou a few times.
The court shown had no center court line, had free throw lanes only six feet apart and those lanes with the circle on top looked like a keyhole, which is where the phrase "the key" came from (according to the movie). They also center jumped after every basket.
Oh yeah, the refs were wearing black and white striped shirts with light colored tan pants.