Originally Posted by RKBUmp
Both nfhs and asa if it is done in anger it is an ejection. In nfhs a thrown bat is a team warning and next instance is a restriction to the bench . if a thrown bat interfere with a fielders ability to make a play on the batted ball it is interference in both nfhs and asa.
To clarify for NFHS. (Rules 3-6-3 and 3-6-16)
If done deliberately (doesn't use the words "in anger"), then the penalty is ejection, with the umpire given the option of a warning to the player if judged to be "of a minor nature", with the player ejected if the act is repeated.
If done "carelessly", the penalty is a team warning with the next offender on the team restricted to the bench.
(And, of course, the penalty for interference in both cases if that applies.)