Originally Posted by MechanicGuy
If you catch/gather the ball with one foot on the floor and then make a jump stop/land on two feet, you aren't allowed to pivot. Picking up either foot and returning it to the floor before shooting or passing would be a travel.
But this is one of a handful of travel rules that may as well not exist as it isn't called at any level of basketball 
I disagree. I see it get called every time I see it happen. Around here, though, most players know better.
I do, however, also notice that most officials will give the benefit of the doubt to the player when it's unclear whether he gathered the dribble before or after he jumped.
Originally Posted by Jasonnorin
Yeah maybe that's one of the reasons why not everyone knows about this rule. Thanks for the enlightenment, bro. 
Anyone who has officiated more than about 10 games should know this rule.