Originally Posted by Andy
As a side note, I have learned that a Men's FP league in my area has decided to only allow wood bats in their league this year.
Off topic: Andy, there's still MFP around here? Can you PM/email me if there are games available?
On topic: Good to know this forum (and my area) has people knowledgeable about bats & balls news. I just show up and work and make sure the equipment is legal and reasonably round.
Back off topic: The orange 2015 Easton Mako bats are the hottest bats I've seen in a long time (comparable to the doublewall Miken bats that were legal around 2002 but banned after 2004 or so). I saw a check-swing slap hit home run over a 220 ft fence last week...with poor contact on a changeup out of the strike zone. The batter ran to first base and over-ran it, thinking it was an outfield single, and knowing she barely swung.