The rationale for the 2013 ASA stamp
The exit speed threshold for bats to be approved by ASA is 98MPH.
To calculate that number, a formula was developed that measured several different variables about the bat, the ball, and the swing speed of the bat itself.
The swing speed was calculated to be an "average" of all players and set at a certain number to be used in the exit speed calculation.
In 2012, several field studies were done around the slow pitch game and it was discovered that the number being used as an "average" swing speed in the calculation was higher than what was being discovered in the field. As a result the swing speed number in the bat exit speed calculation was replaced with the number from the field studies. This allowed bats that would not meet the 98 mph standard with the higher number to now meet the standard. These are the bats with the 2013 ASA stamp.
So the "hotness" of the bat depends on how hard the batter swings and how solid the contact is between the bat and ball.
As a side note, I have learned that a Men's FP league in my area has decided to only allow wood bats in their league this year.
It's what you learn after you think you know it all that's important!