Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
I agree, this doesn't read like OBS. Reminds me of the umpires who would call OBS the moment a runner rounded 3rd and stopped. Claim was the catcher was standing on the 3B side of the plate and the runner shouldn't have to risk a possible collusion.
Yuk is right
Again I didn't like my call, I'm just opening it up for discussion because at the administration level at our state meetings they have deemed this OBS and for the obvious reasons to avoid crashes.
I'm umpire that has played and coached the game for many years, so I beleive I have a good feel for the game.
The call had no bearing on the outcome of the game, I probably would not make the call otherwise.
The question I have for you guys that don't make assumptions about other umpires, is at what point do you deem the defensive player that is standing in the base path of the runner and not receiving the ball is to have impeded the progress of the runner?
My initial thought when I signaled the OBS was the runner had to adjust from her original base path to wider angle.