Originally Posted by AremRed
That's true, all of the good female officials (the ones who want to move up anyway) move up right away and don't stick around long enough to get BV games.
Originally Posted by JRutledge
I do not think he is referring to moving up in high school.
Not sure where else they might stick around long enough to work BV.
Originally Posted by JRutledge
And it is rare where I live for anyone within 15 years to even get a State Final opportunity and usually it is much more than that before someone gets their first shot at that level.
It is used to be that way here too in a lot of cases but some changes were made to give capable officials a better chance of working in the tournament (quaterfinals and beyond) than in the past.
Originally Posted by JRutledge
But in my areas many females never even try to work a the playoffs as they are often working a lot of college. One of my good friends almost exclusively works college ball as she does not even qualify to work high school playoffs.
That isn't unusual here. There are often people that get picked up for college for one reason or another than are not always the best officials and some great officials don't work the college route for various reasons.