Originally posted by bluduc
Warren you are correct on the foul ball. I ***- u-me (ed) OBR.
Your reply got me thinking.
We have a definition of a squeeze in OBR. A bunt attempt which does not apply here.
When does a steal attempt begin? Is going on the batted ball a steal. Does the runner have to be going before the pitch?
At the time of the pitch? Would a big lead be considerd a steal? Does FED have such a definition?
Your views please.
FED covers it under 5-1-2b. It is a delayed dead ball and the batter is awarded 1st and forced runners advance 1 base. Runners not forced but are stealing are awarded 1 base.
Remember, the defense obstructs and the offense interfers. The catcher can only obstruct.
[Edited by ozzy6900 on Jul 22nd, 2003 at 09:48 AM]