Delayed Dead Ball play
I had this happen two days ago, and fortunately, it played itself out, but I'm wondering a what if:
R1 on 2nd, R2 on first, with two outs. Batter hits a ball a foot inside the bag fair down third base line. R1 cruising into 3rd is contacted by F5 who is just getting to his feet after a futile attempt to stop the ball going down the line. The bump causes R1 to miss third base, but he safely scores as the throw from the outfield is mishandled by the catcher allowing R2 to also score. The batter ends up on second. I am U2, and had called the obstruction but I let the play continue to conclusion.
There was no argument or appeal, so the play stood.
However, what would have been the correct call if the defense had appealed the missed base? Would I have awarded R1 home? Then held R2 at third and the batter at second? Or does the obstruction negate the missed bag totally?