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Old Sat Mar 28, 2015, 02:56pm
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally Posted by Nevadaref View Post
I'm surprised that no one else has mentioned this yet.
With 3:05 remaining in the Louisville/NC State game there is a discussion worthy play.

The dribbler picks up his dribble just inside the 3pt line with his left foot on the floor. He jumps off that foot and lands on his right foot inside the FT lane. At this time there appears to be arm to arm contact with the defender. Perhaps this is a foul, perhaps not. His left foot then returns to the floor and there is significant contact with the defender. The new Lead in transition begins to call a foul as the offensive player elevates and scores. He counts the baskets and awards one FT.

I have either a travel before the foul or the beginning of the act of shooting, a foul followed by a travel, which cancels the goal, and two FTs. In the game, this offensive player gained a huge illegal advantage by his footwork.
Since this move is rarely called a travel in absence of contact why would you expect it to called a travel when contact is added?
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