Not a Drop 3rd Strike...
Lets say No Body out
Runner at 2nd Base
The count on the batter is 3 balls and 1 Strike
On the pitch the batter swings, the catchers misplays the ball and it is dropped.
The batter thinking the count was 3-2 breaks for 1st base, drawing a throw from the catcher, the ball sails into right field.
The runner on 2nd runs to 3rd on the play and eventually get to home plate/scores on the over throw.
What you got:
Interference on the batter for not knowing the count? She is out put the fun back on 2nd?
Bring the batter back to plate for her now 3-2 count let the run score?
Put the runner back on 2nd and batter back at the plate for the 3-2 count?
Something else?
After all that is said and done, more is said than done